
Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Earth Day and we are going green. Here are some free giveaways for doing right by the planet.

It's Earth Day!  Time to respect the planet.  So we are going green here on the blog.

Take care of your planet and it will take care of you.  Here are some fine examples of opportunities to receive something gratis in exchange for looking after your world.  By the way, we will also be giving away some free cards pretty soon, so make sure you keep checking in.

Recycling definitely helps our planet, eliminating waste from our landfills.  But for an even greener experience, use you own Non-Disposable Container (Travel Mug, Ceramic Coffee Cup) when ordering your cup of Joe.
Today Starbucks is giving away a free cup of coffee or tea for customers who bring along their own mug to participating locations.  
The Disney Store giving away a free reusable Mickey Mouse tote bag to customers in exchange for five plastic shopping bags.
So if you are into the Mouse, go get it.

Plant a tree, save the planet.   Tomorrow Lowes is giving away 1 Million Trees.   Check with your local store if you want to get in on this.

But most important, find a small thing you can do as part of your regular daily routine to help.  Your planet will thank you.

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