
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trying to Crack The Code? Here is a Little Free Help to Solve the Topps Allen & Ginter Puzzle.

I love puzzles but nothing frustrates me more than coming close to finishing and finding there is a piece missing.  Trying to crack the yearly code included with Topps Allen & Ginter can be quite a task, having to gather the various pieces to solve the puzzle.  Many people actually try to actually charge for a look at parts of the code they acquire.   That's not in the spirit of All About Cards, so we are giving away what we got in a recent box for free.   No... this is not a contest, we are not shipping these cards to one person.  We are posting these for all to see, setting a level playing ground.   So here is what we have, hope it helps.  And if we do become a part of helping you get to the solution, come on back and let us know how you put it together.

 We pulled these four A&G Crack the Code cards

 Reid Brignac Ginter Code Card

 Ryan Ludwick Gold Ginter Code Card

Tim Howard Gold Ginter Code Card

1 comment:

  1. I never noticed the hands on the clock being in different positions on those cards! I tossed the ones I had since I thought they were just advertisements for the contest!
