Saturday, March 9, 2013

2012 Bowman Sterling Football NFL Trading Cards Box Break Recap And Review

Sterling is the top of the Bowman line, providing the biggest “High Risk, High Reward” offering. For 2012 Bowman Sterling Football the single most important element that can spread that risk is present, a strong rookie class.  That enables you to miss on the monster hits but still walk away with a decent box of cards.  With 12 hits per box plus a Rookie Patch Box Topper card for a total of 13 hits, there is ample opportunity to pull some great cards.

Bowman Sterling Football comes in at the high end of our premium cards category because of the number of hits in each box.  Each hobby box contains 6 packs with 5 cards each and a box topper bonus Rookie Patch card.  Each pack should yield 3 Rookie Cards,  1 Rookie Autograph and 1 Jumbo Rookie or Veteran Relic Card.

Here are some of the cards we pulled.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

2012 Rittenhouse Archives Warehouse 13 Season 3 Premium Pack Break Recap and Review

Rittenhouse Archives brings back Warehouse 13 for Season 3 in Premium Pack with more artifacts secretly stashed in South Dakota and other goodies.  Once again Rittenhouse Archives has completely captured the feel of the show and put it in card form.  The biggest change from last season’s cards is one less autograph and one more relic, a seemingly natural transition as the show and cards continue on, the original configuration was 2 autos and 2 relics.  The other change is the absence of serial numbering on the episode cards.

2011 Rittenhouse Archives Warehouse 13 Season 3 falls under our premium cards category.  Each Premium Pack contains 2 Episode Cards, 2 Relic Cards, 1 Artifact Card and 1 Autograph Card. These can be purchased by individual packs or a 15 pack box.

Here are the cards we pulled from our Premium Pack.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2012 Topps Strata Football Box Break Recap And Review

Strata is plural for stratum.  Stratum is defined as any of several parallel layers or levels of something.  The most predominant example is in geology where sedimentary rock and soil form layers that vary in color .  So with a product that includes hits that are constructed with layers of cardboard, acetate, memorabilia and autographs of some of the NFL’s newest emerging stars, layered one on top of the other, it seem apropos that it has been given the name 2012 Topps Strata Football.

2012 Topps Strata Football is certainly on the higher end of the category from a cost standpoint, but still falls under our classification of trading cards. Hobby boxes include 18 packs with 5 cards per pack with the promise of 3 Rookie hits per box, 1 Clear Cut Autograph relic, 1 autograph card and 1 relic card.

Here is a look at some of the cards we pulled.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

2012 Panini Contenders Football Box Break Recap And Review

Always a rookie prospector’s favorite, 2012 Panini Contenders Football, the 20th anniversary edition, has arrived.  It is always a solid set of cards to collect and this year is no exception.  Contenders Football looks a good as it has ever looked and is full of potential big hits.  The secondary market for some of the cards is demanding prices that were once unthinkable for non-vintage, partly due to the outstanding 2012 Rookie Class and to the addition of Cracked Ice cards, one of which we were lucky enough to pull.

Playoff Contenders Football fits into our premium cards category.  Each box contains 24 packs with 5 cards each with a promise of 5 autographs with at least 2 of them being on-card.

Here are some of the cards we pulled.

2012 Panini Crown Royale Football Box Break Recap and Review

For collectors that appreciate die-cut cards, some of the best you will find are in the Crown Royale line of cards.  2012 Panini Crown Royale Football is a visual feast that continues to make this a great set.  The consistency of theme and respect for the history of the brand makes these cards a pleasure to collect.  While there is one less card per pack compared to last year’s configuration, it is still one of the nicest looking premium offerings available.

There is also a surprise that was unannounced at release time.  There are very rare color parallels of the base cards that were not die-cut and we happen to pull one of those.  There is more information on this below, next to the image of the card.

Panini Crown Royale Football falls into our premium cards category.  Each box contains 4 packs with 5 cards each with a promise of four autograph or memorabilia cards that include at least 1 Rookie Silhouette Signature, 1 Rookie Signature and 2 other auto/memorabilia cards.

Here are the cards we pulled.

Monday, March 4, 2013

2012 Panini Limited Football NFL Trading Cards Box Break Recap and Review

Limited Football returns this year delivering its familiar configuration.  With a shift towards slightly more shiny over last year’s offering, 2012 Panini Limited Football is a nice and easy box break.  Other than that not much has changed from last year with the exception of one less card in the box, but that is barely noticeable when you are searching for hits and they have remained the same number. 

Limited Football fits nicely into our premium cards category.  Each hobby box contains 7 cards with a promise of three autograph or memorabilia cards with at least one autograph per box. 

Here are the cards we pulled from our box.